Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney

Will and Lasting Power of Attorney Preparation Solicitors.

Why we all need a good up to date Will

Failure to make a will could mean that all you have worked for goes to someone you do not wish to benefit (including the Crown). Generally speaking wills can be as straightforward or complicated as each individual requires, taking into account their personal and family circumstances, but for most people making a will is a simple and inexpensive process.

Here at Family Legal Solicitors we will help you understand all of the issues that need to be considered,We can ensure that all your family's needs are protected by helping you make a will appropriate to your circumstances.

Family Legal Solicitors can help you with:-

  • Will writing/drafting-all wills are prepared by a qualified solicitor.
  • Will amendments (Codicils).
  • Single Wills.
  • Mirror Wills.
  • We can also offer home visits for local clients.


Family Legal Solicitors have extensive experience in preparing Wills to cover all of your circumstances. We have made it our mission to ensure that as many people as possible have a will and to are proud to be able to offer basic wills prepared by a solicitor from just £180 ( £150 plus vat).

There are many different and valid reasons to make a Will: to appoint a guardian for a young child, to sort out funeral arrangements, or to set out your intentions to ensure that those that you love inherit your assets.

Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney

Make Your Will For Free

Family Legal are avid supporters of the National Free Wills Network which allows you to make a basic will or basic mirror wills for a couple completely FREE OF CHARGE on the understanding that you will hopefully (although this is not compulsory) make a gift to one of the chosen charities.

For more information call us on 01606 841273 / 01492 701300

Lasting Powers Of Attorney Solicitors

An LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney) is a document you can prepare which appoints one or more people to manage your affairs for you if you become unable to manage on your own. These people are known as your 'Attorneys'.

Even if you are married or in a registered civil partnership, your next of kin have no automatic legal right to look after your affairs for you. If you have property, savings or investments in your own name then you are the only person legally able to deal with these.

If you suffer an unexpected illness or accident leaving you unable to manage your own affairs, you will need somebody you trust to look after your affairs for you.
If you lose the ability to manage your own affairs, and you do not have an LPA (or its predecessor - an Enduring Power of Attorney) in place then an application must be made to the Court of Protection for a 'Deputy' to be appointed to look after things for you. This may or may not be a person you would have chosen yourself. The application to Court can take several weeks and is likely to cost much more than the preparation of an LPA.

There are two types of LPA you can make.
1. Property and Affairs LPA
A 'Property and Affairs LPA' gives your chosen attorneys the power to operate your bank accounts, make investment decisions, sign tax returns and buy and sell property. The attorneys are not permitted to make gifts (other than those usually made by you), or sign your will.

2. Personal Welfare LPA
A 'Personal Welfare LPA' gives your chosen attorneys the power to decide on issues such as where you will live, your care and medical treatment. Your attorneys cannot make decisions in any area where you have the mental capacity to make the decision yourself

We can prepare your LPAs, act as a certificate provider and register them from just £480 (£400 plus vat) plus the registration fee of £82 per LPA -total £562
We offer discounts for multiple LPAs , 2 for £600 plus vat (£720) plus registration fees of £164 total £884, or all 4 for a couple for £800 plus vat plus registration fees of £328 total £1288

LPAs can be prepared within 1 to 2 weeks, and once counter signed by all your chosen attorneys can be submitted for registration to the Office of Public Guardian. Registraton times take from 12 to 16 weeks approximately.

If you need help to prepare a will or LPA please call us on 01606 841273 or 01492 701300