We can help with the difficult decisions
- Do you need help from a solicitor to resolve the arrangements for your children?
- Do you need to regain contact with your children?
- Are you or your partner attempting to move abroad or away with the children?
We can help you. When parties decides to separate often there are difficult decisions to be made regarding the future care arrangements for the children of the family. If these issues can't be agreed between the parties, we can sensitively assist in resolving these issues where possible by agreement, or if agreement cannot be reached, via a court application. If you are a grandparent click here to see more about your rights and options.

Parental Responsibility
Parental Responsibility means all the legal rights and duties which a parent has in relation to a child.
Having Parental Responsibility for a child means that you are responsible for, and have the right to be consulted about, the child's health, education, religion and welfare.
To change a child's name, those with Parental responsibility must consent to the name change.

Child arrangement Orders
More often than not when a relationship comes to an end difficult decisions will have to be made concerning where and with whom the children of the family should live
In some cases it is appropriate for Shared care order to be agreed/ ordered. Decisions also need to be made as to who they should have contact with, when and how often (Contact).
We can advise you as to your rights, and if matters can't be agreed can assist in negotiatons or pursue matters for you via the court process.

Specific Issues
If you and your partner can't agree on a specific issue such as where your child shall go to school, or perhaps one of you wishes to relocate a court can make orders to determine such matters.
Family Legal are specialist family law solicitors. We can help you to negotiate the arrangements for your children and where possible will aim to do this amicabley away from court. If matters cannot be agreed amicabley we can help you pursue your application through court. We can do this in a flexible bespoke way to match your needs and budget.
Our Fees
Work - (Vat is charged at 20%)
Initial advice session - £150 (£125 plus vat)
Pay as you go help - £360 per hour on time spent basis (£300 plus vat)
Prepare a PR/Step PR agreement - £360 (£300 plus vat)
Prepare an Order or draft an application - £600 (500 plus vat) plus court fee (presently £303)- total £903
Representation at a Directions/ Dispute Resolution Hearing (no more than 1/2 a day) - £1200 (£1000 plus vat)