Probate & Estates

Probate Solicitors

Dealing with an Estate is often challenging especially when you are also dealing with the loss of a loved one. It can seem that there is endless paperwork, and difficult tax and legal paperwork to complete. Traditional solicitors often charge high fees at hourly rate or set fees at a rate determined on the value of an estate. Here at Family Legal that goes against our ethos. We understand that dealing with a deceased estate is one of the more difficult challenges in life.

So, let us help you by:

  • Interpreting the Will so you understand clearly what it means
  • Advising executors and trustees in regard to their duties
  • Applying for Probate of the Will
  • Dealing with intestacy (where there is no Will)
  • Organising information for estate tax returns
  • Contesting wills and defending estate litigation

Probate & Estates

Our Fees

1. Grant Only -no inheritance tax

To keep legal fees down We often help people and a grant only basis. This means that we will meet with you and carry out a fact find of what is involved in the estate. We will advise you in the process and what steps to take, and we will help complete all of the necessary legal and tax paperwork to enable a grant of probate to be obtained.(This is on the basis that you are providing all the information)

We then leave it to you to deal with distributing the estate.

In most cases in straightforward estates where there is no inheritance tax to pay we can carry out the service for a fee of £1000 plus court fees of £303.00 plus £1.50 for each additional copy of the grant.

2. If there is Inheritance Tax to pay /full tax form is needed

If the estate is large and there is inheritance tax to pay, or where there is a full tax form required because assets are complicated (You are providing all the information) then we will carry out the service usually for a fixed fee of £1500 plus court fees of £303 (please note that if the assets are complex involving businesses, agricultural or foreign assets a bespoke quote will be provided once we have reviewed your specific situation)

3. We can also offer bespoke help on a pay-as-you-go basis at £300 per hour

If your affairs are particularly complex and do not fall into the above categories we will always endeavour to provide you with a fixed price the work would we have discussed your individual circumstances.